The Sticks of Thales

How tall, exactly, is a telephone pole? the Star-Splitters asked ourselves in class in October 2021, after Henry told us that when we were reading Beowulf, he had imagined Grendel to be just that height.

After some great conversation about how we could come to know that fact (what human experts would we trust to tell us? why? what web sources would we trust to tell us? why? do telephone poles' heights differ? why? what experiments could we run with our own resources?), we recalled that Thales of Miletus, an originator of mathematics and natural philosophy, answered a similar question in the 6th century BCE, when visiting the Great Pyramid of Cheops.

Using only a stick, two shadows, and his keen mind, he determined the pyramid's height. First, he envisioned the vertical leg of the implied right triangle embedded in the pyramid (a triangle composed of that leg, the sun's rays, and the leg cast by the pyramid's shadow), then he created a measurable model of the same with a hand-held stick that he planted perpendicular to the sand. Measuring the stick's shadow at the same time a compatriot measured the pyramid's shade, he applied what he'd learned from experience about the mathematical relationships between like-angled triangles: he cross-multiplied the ratios of the legs' lengths, solved for X, and, voila, he discovered, with exactness, the Great Wonder's height.

All of which is to say we tried our hands and minds at being Thales that October morning, measuring--with great accuracy, given the limitations of our conditions!--the height of a wooden board we placed in the midst of our courtyard.


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